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 Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''

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The Lost Uchiha

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Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Left_bar_bleue205 / 100205 / 100Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-09-28

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PostSubject: Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''   Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 12:41 pm

I'm not gonna waste my time on this, sooo I'll copy all the stuff I posted in CC.

Theres a number of issues, not just the teams so here:



Jeez, everyone's making gfx teams. I dont even feel like being in this anymore, scince I'm on planetrenders all the time now.



I dont know..

This is getting kinda annoying, people leave as soon as someone makes a team. If I didn't have blitz and I was on a team I would stick with it. Now people have a good time switching teams. So, theres really no point having one if no one is actualy loyal to it and actually wants to help out/improve.

Seriosly, think about it for a sec.

Now teams get made and they die a couple days later. If someones thinking about making another team right now, think to yourself. Are you gonna close it in a week? Or are you gonna keep it for around 5 months? Now if you keep it, its worth it. If you wont, its wasting people's time. I know there are people here that actually love the team thier in. But some people now dont care what team thier on, as long as they switch every 5 days.



Here's another thing I've noticed.

Some people switch teams because they will get a better ranking in the next one. But once you think about it ranks dont even matter. Some places like pr dont even have ranks, people just get accepted or denied.Being on a team doesnt mean that, it it means working hard and trying to strive on getting better. If you switch teams because of that, you obviosly dont care for the current team your on, you just want your rank.

^That, and people are making gfx teams when they are intermediate and below. Being a leader means helping your team members, getting them to improve and giving them a better, brighter future in whatever your doing. If you cant do that, you fail.

Carson :

I'm just one of the few people who don't want this to turn into a big bloody mess. This is just getting out of hand. Graphics is supposed to be fun, making creative stuff that most of your friends can't do and having people "ooh" and "ahh" at your work. But there is just too many teams, it's now as though everyone has to have a team.

That's why I've only been on two teams.

Back when I was just starting in Photoshop, I didn't care about my rank. Sure.. it was fun from going to Beginner to Master and King to Co-Leader, but I don't care that much. For me, it's nice to know that I can help out the team while being a Co-Leader for Blitz. Now that everyone is creating new teams and "trying out the new place", it's not fun anymore. To see you're friends go to another team after being on it for so long, I understand that it could be that you're not getting good advice or you think that you're not getting any better, but leaving just to try out a new team for a month or two and then leave that place for another new team? That's just a stupid move. Next time you think about dumping a team for another, think about this:

"Is it really, honestly...gonna be worth it?"


The reason most of the teams are "inactive" is BECAUSE of these new ones. If people would post in their team, and stay there, then geuss what? All the teams would be active, and we wouldn't have this problem. I agree with you Chris, and I think if everyone would think about it, then we'd have alot of this problem solved.


Amen, Chris. Amen.

I cannot stress to say how much this needed to get out. I really do not understand why a lot of teams have been made the past few weeks (One being mine).

I closed my thread because it did not seem right to have it. No one of great gfx experienced joined, and people left right when they saw a new team pop up out of the blue.

And what the heck is with Ibc? Murphy, that makes absolutley no sense why you made that.

There should be only 2 or 3 teams, 4 at the absolute most. It seems that everyone needs to be making a team, and they dont care what will happen. They want popularity.

If someone is not of significant GFX level, it really does not make any sense to even think about making a gfx team. As a leader, you need to be able to help everyone else in the team with support and advice. How would a person classed as a novice be able to do that if the have a very strong king who can smoke them? (Like anyone of that high of a level would join, anyway).


I actually wanted to discuss this, this is why I posted it.

Credit to Chris for typing it all out
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Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Left_bar_bleue219 / 100219 / 100Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-09-27

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PostSubject: Re: Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''   Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 4:22 pm

When Chris posted that.... There were like 8 teams not counting CC, Blitz, and Shadow.

Shut the hell up about it.
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The Lost Uchiha

Number of posts : 100
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Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Left_bar_bleue205 / 100205 / 100Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-09-28

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PostSubject: Re: Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''   Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 4:39 pm

im saying that once random people who are not as experienced to be a master of a GFX team create one people go out of a proper team to join the other which means no team can properly hold on and free bee no offence but i dont think you are a right person to create a team sure you are organsied but GFX is more important and the only people who are in a state to make their own teams are flubby. emi carson and kani (out of thunder(not counting rathu Razz)

thats why i brought it up

and you dont tell me what i can or cannot do
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PostSubject: Re: Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''   Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 6:33 pm

I'm not even ready to start a team...
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PostSubject: Re: Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''   Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Icon_minitimeTue Nov 04, 2008 7:13 pm

I made a team a long time ago, it didnt exactly work out as kani and adrian know.
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The Lost Uchiha

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Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Left_bar_bleue205 / 100205 / 100Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-09-28

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PostSubject: Re: Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''   Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Icon_minitimeWed Nov 05, 2008 3:54 am

yes im saying from GFX experience
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Registration date : 2008-10-22

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PostSubject: Re: Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''   Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Icon_minitimeWed Nov 05, 2008 11:47 am

This was an important issue back when the teams frenzy started, as Kiss stressed before, not anymore.

Back then we were all new into this, we had fun evolving and such, had
our disagreements and everything else. The team thing was never a need,
it was just a way to create some kind of rivalry. It started to be
between Shadow and F8X (correct me if I'm wrong), then Blitz appeared,
and then it came down to Blitz and CC, that's when we all started to
lose interest.

This doesn't work like "oh hai, I'm a master now so I'm starting a
team", you need to have a point in creating one, and that's where CC
failed, and (IMO) it's popularity allied to the lack of charisma of its
owner was what started the downfall of our cute little gfx community.

If someone who is not experienced creates a team, you should ignore it and let it die on its own.
But, on the other hand, if you don't ignore it, who cares? It's not like anyone does anymore ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!''   Hey, Its ''everyone make a team day!'' Icon_minitime

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